

thanks a lot to Morris Moussey


tiffannysketchbook said...

Yess!!! More Keane! Bring it!!! Bring it!! OH! I saw his daughter illustrated a Rapunzel Children's book too! The Keanes have serious skill.

vitalik shu said...

thank you!!! amazing post!

Santiago Lozano said...

This is pure art...
3D will never be this expressive...
I love 3d, but, this is something different...
can´t be comapred...
wish Glen could do a movie with this style as final rendering...with some colors...

Viiiiz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Viiiiz said...

Hello Raul,

Here some pictures about his exhibition in Paris froms this link (http://disneycentralplaza.englishboard.net/trip-reports-disney-f12/rencontre-avec-glen-keane-a-la-fnac-masterclass-le-10-novembre-t19324.htm)

picture 1: http://i63.servimg.com/u/f63/11/63/35/45/p1020311.jpg
picture 2: http://storage.canalblog.com/68/28/230036/58869609.jpg
picture 3: http://storage.canalblog.com/57/89/230036/58869689.jpg

Maybe you'lle be interested (sorry for the remove).

Matt Jones said...


Viiiiz said...


it's better with this link =)

Anonymous said...

Vous etes un grand artiste, merci vraiment pour tous, sachez que vous m'inspirez dans votre façon de voir le monde, merci !!

Anonymous said...

vous etes a mes yeux un Grans artiste, merci pour tous.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, a truly magnificent transformation sequence.

Luke said...

People, look at a moment The David of Miguel Angel, and found some similarities ;) A great inspiration.

PD: Sorry for my english, and greetings from Catalonia.

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