

I don´t know if it is a frame of the film, or just a developed art

I don´t know if it is 3d or a drawing painted with the wacom....

anyway, it is the glen keane stile for the prince of rapunzel


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  3. I'm prettty sure it is not a real frame of the final movie... It's a concept art, or a rough if you look closely at the hands for instance. That being said, the final render may look like this but in a cleaned version. It would be cool if it was lastly a whole 2D movie as the Princess and the Frog...

  4. this is so amazing to see that! lovely colors!

  5. Wow- Cool image! Thanks for posting it. :)

  6. This is not drawing by Glen Keane it is a vis dev drawing done by Andy Harnkess

  7. I can't wait to see thhis movie! :D

  8. My guess is a digital concept painting... very nice indeed.

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