

Here are two caricatures of Glen Keane  by the animator JIM KIM
Nice drawings uh?  They really look "glenness"

thanks to valentina for the advise, as usual



  1. Eheheh....we are all in love with Glen Keane.....

  2. Haha! These are great! By the way, I found this note about Mr. Keane:

    "Disney has confirmed that Glen Keane, who has been serving as director
    of Disney's upcoming animated feature, RAPUNZEL, has chosen to step down
    from that role due to a personal, non-threatening health issue. He will
    continue to be involved as the film's exec producer and directing

    Does anyone know anything about this? Is Mr. Keane OK? How is he doing??

  3. In this blog there's something more about it.

    Th author says that maybe "Lasseter just didn't think Keane was cutting it as a director"
    An Anonymous answers that "Glen has health concerns that he is not making public"

  4. Jjajajajajaja!!!


  5. Thanks for the link nervinfranti! I really hope Mr. Keane can overcome his health issues. :'(

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    ...anyone else thinking that this whole "mysterious health issue" seems like some kind of...I don't know...suspiscious activity?

    Glen Keane stepping down from director's spot's kinda sad. I'd've loved to see him at the helm for this one. What matters' that he's still on board.


    -J. "Conspiracy Wacko" Spumko

  7. Well, Keane is still Executive Producer and Directing Animator of tha movie...

  8. So amazing! Your the most inspirational artist of my time! Thank you!

    - Josh Frost

  9. Anonymous8:21 PM

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